Title: All Hail The Power - Cassette
Subtitle: Split Trax
This accompaniment tape contains all the songs from the original 24 track recording. Instruments on the left channel; vocals on the right channel. (These split tracks include instrumental channel and backing vocals channel--no lead vocal) - Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
- Come Bless The Lord
- Praise The Lord
- Oh Lord I Worship You
- Praise Ye The Lord
- We Give You Glory
- All Hail The Power
- Finlandia Medley
- Let Your Spirit Come
- Pour Out Your Spirit
- Be Strong and Take Courage
- Power And Might
- I Will Build My Church
(These split tracks include instrumental channel and backing vocals channel--no lead vocal)
Tracks HM046TX (code) 000768054642 (upc) Buy NOW |