Title: Amazing Love - Darlene Zschech - Songbook
Subtitle: Hillsong Worship Series
Release date: March 2003
Songbook"Almighty God paid the ultimate price, His darling son Jesus, so that we could freely and powerfully live in the abundance of his AMAZING LOVE...These songs have been lovingly crafted to remind you of this magnificent truth. Join with us and let His glorious presence and loving hand be evident on your life, as you come before Him and simply worship. With much love," Darlene Zschech Amazing Love is a studio recorded album featuring 12 new songs from Darlene and the team. It is the fifth album in the Hillsong Worship Series. - Father
- Every Time
- My Heart Will Trust
- Great Is The Lord
- Faithful
- Trust In You
- Do What You Say
- Thirst For You
- Reason I Live
- Refuge
- Jesus Won It All
- Amazing Love
 Printed Music 25266 (code) 000768252666 (upc) Buy NOW |