Title: At The Cross - Listening CD
Subtitle: Simple Series Easter
Release date: September 2003
Listening CDCreated by Dennis and Nan Allen. At The Cross Celebrate Easter in regal fashion with this brand new Simple Series Easter mini-musical entitled, At the Cross. Created by Dennis and Nan Allen, this choral presentation is a tapestry of new songs, masterfully woven together by the familiar thread of the best-loved hymn, “At the Cross.” From cover to cover, this passionate Easter experience will cause the lives of your choir and congregation to be forever changed as they examine their lives in the light of Christ’s cross of sacrifice and victorious resurrection! Carefully crafted for unison and two-part choirs in an easy-to-sing, easy-to-learn fashion, At the Cross is ideal for choirs with limited rehearsal time and resources
CD 4575708502 (code) 645757085025 (upc) Buy NOW |