Title: Best Christmas Present Ever! - Split Tracks
Subtitle: A Children's Musical
Release date: February 2006
Created by Celeste Clydesdale & David T. Clydesdale
Arranged by David T. Clydesdale
Voicing: 2-part/Unison
Release Date: Apr-2009
Length: Approx. 40:00
RSVP to your invitation to the greatest birthday bash ever! This energetic children's Christmas celebration is overflowing with colorful characters, plenty of humor, a clever story, and a clear evangelistic message: what will you do when Jesus knocks on the door of your heart? Join skeptical news anchor Rod Stark as he covers a small story with a big message. Featuring the classic Carol Cymbala (Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir) song "Happy Birthday, Jesus," The Best Christmas Present Ever! will delight audiences of every age.
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