Title: Christmas Hang-Ups - Listening CD
Subtitle: A Children's Musical for Christmas
Release date: August 2009
Compact Disc
Voicing: Unison/2-Part Difficulty: Easy Length: 40 minutes
It's just before Christmas and the tree ornaments have been awakened from their yearly hibernation by the movement of their storage box. It's time! As they begin to prepare for another season on the Watson's Christmas tree, they are greeted by a rather strange and “un-Christmassy” ornament: A hula-girl. The Star, the Snowman, the Angel and others don't understand what she has to do with Christmas and give her a rather cool reception until another significant figure from the mantelpiece shows up to explain to all of them what Christmas is about and how they each have significance in God's amazing plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus. This humorous and engaging story, created by Dennis and Nan Allen, features delightful songs and a solid salvation message that will not only teach your children what Jesus' coming was all about, but will remind kids and congregation alike that Christmas is truly a time to celebrate!
CD 4575717232 (code) 645757172329 (upc) Buy NOW |