Title: Drum Grooves for Worship - Carl Albrecht
Subtitle: Instructional DVD
Release date: February 2009
Running Time: Approximately 80 minutes
There are so many songs in contemporary worship, a drummer might think it’s impossible to learn them all. Carl Albrecht has taken on this monstrous task in order to show you how to prepare for the grooves of worship. After analyzing the top 100 CCLI Worship songs, Carl found that there are only "seven", essential types of drum patterns used in modern worship. Even though there are arrangements to learn according to each song the basic elements for drummers are not overwhelming.
In each section, Carl breaks down the drum grooves into simple musical terminology explaining with great detail the parts of each pattern. Even though he makes reference to the list of CCLI hits, he moves quickly through each concept in order to get your own journey of learning these seven essential grooves.
Even though the teaching is designed for the beginning to intermediate player, even advanced drummers will find this conceptual teaching to be a helpful resource in their continued learning. Once you've grasped these basic drum feels you'll be equipped to learn any modern worship song.
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