Title: Every Reason Why - Mark Roach
Subtitle: Myrrh Records
Release date: July 2007
Worship artist, Mark Roach, is a talented singer/songwriter and active worship leader at Morning Star Church in St. Louis. His partnership with Myrrh Records promotes his goal of reaching the masses through his songs, but also encourages the importance of his home church ministry each week. The new album, Every Reason Why, contains
songs that are sure to become new anthems of the church. Mark’s thought-provoking, accessible songs meet you where you are in your walk of faith. His melodic vocals and guitar-infused tracks shine on upbeat songs such as “A Thousand Hallelujahs” and “As Long As I Have You” as well as more subdued moments like “You Are.” In the words of the artist, his hope for Every Reason Why: “To infiltrate churches with the songs I am writing...for individuals to see the relevance, inspiration and life-changing ability in what worship is and can be.”
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