Title: Fearless Now - Sheri Carr
Subtitle: Varietal Records
Release date: May 2008
With numerous songs published by Vineyard Music, Sheri Carr has been featured on some of Vineyard Music's most popular worship recordings including Dwell, More Than Ever, and Stand In Awe.
For her debut solo release, FEARLESS NOW, veteran producer Nathan Nockels and a talented group of musicians have joined with Sheri to create a project that highlights her incredible songwriting and vocal abilities, while consistently focusing the listener on the Father. "I have been so humbled and blessed by the incredibly talented musicians that have contributed to this project," says Carr. "God is amazing to orchestrate it all the way He has." So often referred to as "that girl on the Vineyard record", listeners will finally be able to put a face and a name to that voice when Fearless
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