'When I began listening to songs in preparation for the next morningstar music release, I realized there were many more songs than could be put on one CD, since songs at MorningStar Conferences can often continue for a while as the Spirit leads. Because there are many songs to be released, the decision was made to produce our first double CD.Generations is composed of a variety of songs. One song is from Bobby Hussey and the kids from the children's ministry, and there are songs by the morningstar choir led by Suzy Wills. Another song by Charles Barnett, Terry McMillan and Carlos Torres, Jr., occurred spontaneously at the beginning of a session.
From the Morningstar kids' music to the next generation, consisting of Matthew Donovan and Suzy Wills, and on to the slightly older generation of Leonard Jones and myself, we span three generations of praisers - thus the name of the CD, 'Generations.'
Although I initially thought that we had actually captured the anointing on tape, the Holy Spirit quickly showed me that nothing can take captive the one who sets the captives free. He is just faithful to come whenever He is praised.'
- Don Potter