Title: Go The Distance / PK 2000
Subtitle: Promise Keepers
Release date: September 2000
Songbook contains Piano / Vocal Worship TeamPK2000-Go The Distance is a powerful new collection of worship songs created to encourage you. The challange is to run hard and fast in the faith- to Go The Distance. Traditional hymns... Gospel... classic rock... intimate worship... the Maranatha! Promise Band blends these contemporary sounds with timless melodies to deliver a project that ignites and unites men of God. - That's Why We Praise Him
- I'll Go The Distance
- Joy, Joy, Joy
- My Jesus, I Love Thee
- The Doxology
- Hijo Del Rey
- Take This Life
- Your Love Feeds My Soul/I've Got Peace Like a River
- In That Day
- Come Just As You Are
Tracks MM-GTDAD (code) 738597128622 (upc) Buy NOW |