Title: Hallelujah Praise The Lamb - Listening CD
Subtitle: Brentwood Music
Listening CD
At Passover in the time of Christ, thousands of lambs would be slain and their blood offered on the altar as the means of atonement for sin. When Jesus shed His innocent blood on the altar of the cross, He became the ultimate sacrifice once and for all, taking upon Himself the penalty for the sin of every man and offering eternal life in return. For such a sacrifice, there is only one appropriate response: Hallelujah! Praise the Lamb!
This unison/two-part musical for Easter from Brentwood-Benson's Simple Series celebrates the timeless truth that God Himself became the Lamb whose blood was shed that we might be reconciled to God and have eternal life. This is the Easter story: He died. He rose again. He lives forever–and so shall we. Hallelujah! Praise the Lamb!
 CD 4575717742 (code) 644575717742 (upc) Buy NOW |