Title: I Will Not Be Afraid - Bob Fitts
Subtitle: Forerunner Music
The tragic events that struck America on September 11th, 2001 impacted not only the entire nation, but changed the emotional climate of the world. People of all faiths no longer felt safe. The Christian community was not immune to this fear. However, just 6 days later, worship leader Bob Fitts led worship at a conference sponsored by 'Friends of the Bridegroom' in Kansas City. The night was a gentle, precious reminder of the unshakable Peace that passes all understanding, as several thousand worshippers lifted their voices in solidarity, declaring their fearlessness and peace in a time of terror. This CD is a 'snapshot' of that event...a timeless reminder that we have victory over terror because of Jesus. God's mercy reigns on the just and the unjust.
CD FM002 (code) 821827000222 (upc) Buy NOW |