Title: Men of Faith Songbook
Subtitle: Live worship from The Mandate
Songbook includes - Pirano Arrangements, Guitar Sheets, Acetate MastersIn November of each year, Belfast's Waterfront Hall hosts the largest gathering of men in a single event anywhere in Europe as 2000 men travel from all over Ireland and beyond to spend the day considering the implications of Christian commitment. Praise and worship is lead by Robin Mark. - Lord I come to You (The power of Your love)
- Behold the Lord
- O Lord my God (How great Thou art)
- I praise You for Your faithfulness
- Will your anchor hold? (We have an anchor)
- My heart will sing to You (Great love)
- Here is love
- Open the eyes of my heart
- Let everything that has breath
- All heaven declares
- Crown Him with many crowns
- My hope is in the Lord
- Men of faith (Shout to the North)
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 Printed Music 0854769765 (code) 0854769765 (isbn) Buy NOW |