Title: Mighty To Save - Hillsong - Darlene Zschech
Subtitle: Hillsong Music Australia
Release date: September 2006
Led by Darlene Zschech and the Hillsong team, over 10,000 worshippers at the Sydney Entertainment Centre sang, danced and worshipped their God wholeheartedly and without reserve. The presence of God was powerfully evident throughout the night as His name was lifted on high.
For more than 10 years Hillsong has inspired individuals and churches worldwide to praise and worship our God and to bring him glory.
FREE CHORD CHARTS! When you purchase this CD you will receive a downloadable PDF file containing chord charts for 7 Essential Songs For Easter, including one song from this CD, "At The Cross". Please note that the chord charts are in electronic PDF form and are not printed music. You will be given the opportunity to download the file at the end of the checkout process.
CD 40382 (code) 000768403822 (upc) Buy NOW |