Title: Miracle - Robbie Seay Band
Subtitle: Sparrow Records
Release date: March 2010
Robbie Seay Band makes their home in Houston, TX where they work, serve and love their local community. The band leads worship at Ecclesia, a church in the Montrose area of Houston where Robbie's brother, Chris Seay, is the teaching pastor. Robbie and his brother started the church and have watched God do some amazing things throughout the last several years. Many of the songs Robbie Seay Band writes and performs are inspired by events and people within Ecclesia and the community there, so his albums are testimonies of what God’s faithfulness, our humanity and how they intertwine as we live our lives. Robbie’s new studio album Miracle is just that, an honest and real collection of songs oozing with the vibe of Robbie’s laid back vocals providing music fans with lyrics that encourage, strengthen, and challenge believers. The title track "Miracle", is a moving prayer to our Creator asking for Him to intervene and is the lead single. Set to release March 23rd, Miracle is Robbie Seay’s Band best album to date.
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