Title: Miss Pattycake and the Birthday Party Surprise
Subtitle: Preschool Playtime Praise
Release date: February 2003
Its birthday party time at Miss PattyCake's house. In this fun-filled DVD, Miss PattyCake (Jean Thomason) and friends enjoy cake, games, special gifts of love, and even a parade. Kids learn how to count birthday candles, sing bible story songs, discover we were made for praise, and best of all, learn that God loves us more than we can imagine. - PattyCake Praise
- You Can Be A Helper
- What Will the Weather Be
- Count the Candles
- Ten Men
- Praise Parade
- Little Me
- Jesus Loves Me
- Please Come Back and Play
No longer available at WorshipMusic.com
DVD 20731 (code) 000768207314 (upc) Buy NOW |