Title: My Chains Are Gone - SATB Choral Songbook
Subtitle: An Easter Celebration
Release date: January 2008
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.” To totally understand these words that have been sung for many years, we have to truly comprehend the freedom that was, and still is, given as Jesus gave His life on the cross for all our sins. My Chains Are Gone - An Easter Musical of Freedom, walks us through the events of Jesus' last days as He continued to meet the needs of the people around Him. Some came for healing, words of comfort and forgiveness, but all came to have the weight of their bondage lifted so that they could be set free. My Chains are Gone is a powerful 45-minute musical for Easter created by Dave Clark and J. Daniel Smith. Filled with top Christian songs, such as, This is How it Feels to Be Free, Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) and I Am Free, along with several dynamic new songs, your choir and congregation will love singing about the freedom that we have been given through the blood of Jesus Christ. Each arrangement within this dynamic musical is easily adaptable to large and small choirs using a live orchestra or CD accompaniment track.
 Printed Music 4575714447 (code) 645757144470 (upc) Buy NOW |