Title: Not Ashamed - Peculiar People Band
Subtitle: Maranatha! Music
Release date: March 2005
The Peculiar People Band is a three-piece, modern rock band from Cape Town, South Africa. Their vision and mission is to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to lead people into the presence of God through worship.
After ministering for six years throughout their home country, these three friends have embarked on a journey of faith to the United States. Now based out of Southern California, the Peculiar People Band has already begun to impact lives through their music and message of hope. They are actively involved in their new home church, Heritage Christian Fellowship, and continue to tour regularly.
Peculiar People Band is: - Gary Rea - lead vocals, guitars, bass
- Deon Kleinhans - guitars, bass
- Darrell O'Donoghue - drums
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