Title: Offer Up This Praise - Live in Denver - Split Cassette
Subtitle: Benson Music
Split-Track Accompaniment CassetteFeaturing the Riverside Worship Choir Offer Up This Praise is a dynamic new Geron Davis collection. Join Geron Davis and Kindred Souls as they lift up the Lord in praise live in Denver, Co. See and hear this live video recording and go into the heart of one of the largest churches in America, Riverside Baptist Church, a church that is seeking an intimate relationship with the Lord and is going outside the church walls to tell others. This incredible night of worship captures 12 powerful songs sung by a choir that is passionate about lifting up the name of Jesus. - Unto Him
- Gonna Lift Him Higher
- Holy Spirit Medley: Let Your Holy Spirit Fall / Make Us Like You
- Lord, I Offer Up This Praise
- Thine Is the Kingdom
- House of Prayer
- I Love To Sing Your Praise
- Mighty Long Way
- There’s a Wideness In God’s Mercy
- Then and There
- He Loved Us More
Tracks 4575704475 (code) 645757044756 (upc) Buy NOW |