Title: Raise The Standard - Part 2
Subtitle: Promise Keepers
These are the songs that men are singing in Promise Keepers conferences in stadiums across America. They express the heart of a great, spiritual awakening that is sweeking through the church. Men of all ages, races and denominations are encountering God in deeply personal and powerful ways. He is calling them to Raise The Standard of godliness, discipleship, and reconciliation in their lives, and they are responding to Him with fresh, new expressions of worship. In producing this worship album, we hoped to achieve a number of goals. Most important, we dedicated ourselves to offer the Lord, true, heartfelt worship - worship that He rightfully deserves - and to declare that Jesus Christ is the standard by which we measure the integrity of our lives. It is only when men begin to worship that they begin to grow. - Abba Father, We Approach Thee/Praise My Soul, The King Of Heaven
- The Family Prayer Song (As For Me And My House)
- Rise Up, O Men Of God
- From The Sunrise
- Glorify Thy Name
- The Reconciliation Song
- I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
- We Choose The Fear Of The Lord
- Come, Thou Almighty King/Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
- Purify My Heart
- Now Unto The King Eternal
- Holy, Holy, Holy/Holy Holy Holy Is The Lord Of Hosts
 CD MM-RTSV2D (code) 738597106323 (upc) Buy NOW |