Title: Shalom Jerusalem
Subtitle: Recorded Live In Jerusalem
Nations stream to Jerusalem for this unprecedented and historic Hosanna! Music recording. Led by messianic worship leader, Paul Wilbur, "Shalom Jerusalem" features a world-class band, Israeli dancers, and special guest violinist Maurice Sklar. - Introit- Jerusalem Of Gold/Ma Tovu (O How Good)
- I Lift Up My Eyes
- Up to Jerusalem
- Shouts Of Joy
- Sing For Joy In The Lord
- Shouts Of Joy (reprise)
- Roni, Roni, Bat Zion (Rejoice, Rejoice, Daughter Of Zion)
- Where Does My Help Come From
- Hinei Ma Tov (Behold Hwo Good)
- Sing Hallelujah
- Stand Up And Give Him The Praise
- Baruch Haba (Blessed Is He Who Comes)
- Ma Tovu (O How Good)
- In Your Presence, O God
- Wonderful One
- Shalom Jerusalem
- Lord, Take Up Your Holy Throne
The songs from this songbook are now available in the Hosanna! Music Praise Worship Songbook 10
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