Title: Sights and Sounds Volume 3 - Listening CD
Subtitle: Your Visual Choir Experience
Release date: June 2006
Listening CD
Voicing: SATB Difficulty: Moderate
Sights and Sounds Volume 3 is the third release in the DVD Series for choir. The old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is certainly more true than ever with the videos in this DVD collection.
The added impact of visualizing the message of these songs can help to reach the viewer on a deeper emotional and spiritual level. Numerous verses in scripture make the connection between the eyes and the heart. What our eyes see, our hearts take in. As those charged with leading our congregations in worship, our prayer is to see hearts earnestly directed toward God and His love for us. Great songs combined with powerful visual images convey truth in a way that is unmatched by music alone. This collection features 10 moving songs of praise, worship and ministry that will inspire and motivate your congregation.
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