Title: Silent, Holy Night - Listening CD
Subtitle: A Simple Christmas
Release date: June 2005
Listening CD
Celebrate Christmas with this easy-to-sing, easy-to-learn musical: Silent, Holy Night. The Simple Christmas Series brings another mini-musical that is designed for Unison or Two-Part choir with limited rehearsal time.
Come and see why Jesus left His throne in Heaven to bring grace and love to a world full of despair. In a little manger in Bethlehem, hope was born and the world would never be the same. This 20-minute musical takes us through the glorious Christmas story with great arrangements of familiar carols, along with wonderful new songs that will have your choir and congregation rejoicing with the heavens as you consider once again what happened that Silent, Holy Night.
CD 4575710582 (code) 645757105822 (upc) Buy NOW |