Title: Stars and Stripes Forever - Tracks
Release date: February 2006
Russell Mauldin and Sue C. Smith, creators of the best-selling muscials Land of the Free, Because He Lives, and Come, Let Us Worship the King, present to you this new 30-minute musical. This powerful presentation takes us through the history of our American flag and the legacy on which it was founded. It's time to wave those flags and show your patriotism to the greatest country on earth- America. Bring your God and country celebration alive with new and familiar songs such as My Country 'Tis of Thee, You're a Grand Old Flag, The Statue of Liberty, Fifty Stars and many more. Be sure to check out the DVD Accompaniment track for this project which will be sure to enhance the visual presentation of your Patriotic Celebration.
Tracks 4575711573 (code) 645757115739 (upc) Buy NOW |