Title: Sunday Meetin Time
Subtitle: Gaither Gospel Series
Release date: May 2006
There was a time when most families were separated by distance. Often is was an hour's ride or more by wagon or horseback to the next homestead. Community was a need that pulled folks from their homes to country churches for worship and fellowship.
Today we are crowded into cities, surrounded by stimulation, and bombarded by noise. Yet, we are often no closer to each other than were our pioneer ancestors. A new distance, far more frightening and alienating, tells us that now more than ever we need community, fellowship and a place to turn our hearts towards the things that will outlast our throw-away culture. Our souls need care; our minds need to be renewed. Again, a once often quote mandate of scriptures is taking on important meaning: 'Forsake not assumbling of yourselves together.'
More and more we find ourselves anticipating a time of relationship with God and each other - the Sunday meetin' time.
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