Title: The Easter Song - SATB Choral Songbook
Subtitle: Brentwood Benson
Release date: January 2009
Each year we celebrate by remembering...by retelling the account of our Savior's last days on earth, His death and His glorious resurrection. Every detail of this story is crucial to understanding exactly what our Lord suffered for us. With poignant drama by Heidi Petak and a gripping cinematic musical score by Bradley Knight, The Easter Song recreates this epic narrative from the Scripture with electrifying detail. From the agonizing tension of Jesus' arrest and trials...then, the heart-breaking account of His scourging and crucifixion...to the breathtaking joy of His resurrection, The Easter Song tells this remarkable story of redemption in unprecedented fashion. The musical can also be effectively performed with two narrators in place of drama.
 Printed Music 4575716077 (code) 645757160777 (upc) Buy NOW |