The final dramatic events of Christ's life on earth, which these songs seek to celebrate, have not only changed the world, they have changed eternity. There will never be a greater story and there will never be an end to the stupendous worship of heaven set in motion during those day.Although collected together under a season title, these songs were inspired by truths which are relevant to our worship any day of the year.
In an age where people are less disposed to thoughtfully read and memorize the Scriptures, songs remain one of the few ways in which truth can be inculcated into the thinking of those who seek to know the facts and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. The help us to bind to ourselves the power of those events.
This is the first time that the songs I have written around this theme have been collected together in one place and I hope you will find something here that will serve you as you sing the story.
-Graham Kendrick