Title: The Stand - CD
Subtitle: A worship experience led by kids
Accompaniment CD Trax to choral book for "The Stand". "Split trax" (left channel, instrumental; right channel, vocals minus solos).Kids Vocal Band is a group of kids who have chosen to do something with their lives that has eternal value. They have come together to share the good news of Jesus Christ through music and testimony. As they say, "We sing about God because He's real. We sing about truth because God is truth. He always has been and He always will be. Kids like us have been told that everything changes and nothing is for sure. Well here's a flash: God's for sure! Someday everybody's gonna have to choose...the Truth...or a lie. You wanna stand for somethin'? Stand up for the Truth!" - We've Come Here To Praise
- Only One God
- Best Friend
- The Stand
- Jesus I Believe
- Sing To The Lord
- Standing On The Rock
- He Reigns
- I Will Not Be Shaken
- Tell The World.
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 Tracks MM-TSAD (code) 080688439347 (upc) Buy NOW |