Title: While I Wait - Don Potter
Subtitle: Potterhaus Music
Release date: March 2004
"When people move from one place to another, they will have to look through their stuff to sort out what they want to keep or what isn't worth dragging to a new home just to store again. The hardest part of leaving is facing your stuff again, especially if that stuff represents life changes. My wife and I moved at the end of 2003 back to Tennessee after several years in another land. Nashville, being the first and only place the Lord ever called us to. We have drifted away to one nice place or another now and then but the Lord has been consistent about his first call. As soon as we got here I hid away in the extra bedroom of a renal in the country. With Guitar in hand I began to process some of my feeling through instrumental music. Maybe going through some of my old stuff triggered enough emotion for me to start writing and the new but familiar environment was all I needed to get going. I knew we were here to wait on the Lord--something being busy doesn't allow. This is the music that came out of waiting and pondering and seeing some old pictures that were sent to me by a long lost relative. The song titled 'Between the Rooms' was a memory of hearing my father play with is friends in the living room of an old farm house. Some of the musicians were in the living room and some in the dining room. I found the best vantage point was between the two rooms. That way I could hear everyone, and still be close to my father."
-Don Potter
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